Each Band student at Lincoln High School is part of the Marching Band as well as being in a band class (concert, symphonic, or jazz band, or percussion) except for Color Guard. Band is deemed by the Leon County School District as a co-curricular activity which means that after school practices, rehearsals and performances are used as part of each student’s in-class grade. Band, much like athletics, requires after school commitment. Jazz band members who play a non-marching instrument such as guitar are not required to be part of marching band.
The two-fold mission of the Lincoln Trojan Band Program is:
- To help shape great musicians.
- To help shape great people.
Through working on these two goals, the Lincoln Trojan Band will help guide students to reach the highest possible level of excellence. Upon leaving the halls of Lincoln High School, it is also a hope that graduates will leave with a lifelong appreciation and love for music.

All students participating in the Lincoln Trojan Band are also asked to participate in fundraising. This is necessary to ensure that our band program will have sufficient funds to operate effectively each year. Students and parents who choose not to participate in fundraisers are asked to make either a one-time payment of the annual band fee amount, or monthly payments throughout the school year.
All students participating in the Lincoln Trojan Band are also asked to participate in fundraising. This is necessary to ensure that our band program will have sufficient funds to operate effectively each year. Students and parents who choose not to participate in fundraisers are asked to make either a one-time payment of the annual band fee amount, or monthly payments throughout the school year.
If you would like more information about the Lincoln Trojan Band, please email Karen Burns, Lincoln Trojan Band Booster President at LTBBoosters@gmail.com.
You can also find us on Facebook or Instagram at Lincoln Trojan Band.