Lincoln High School Band Banquet
Banquet Agenda and Roster 2020-2021
FROM THE DESK OF MS. HAUGEN We have just over 3 weeks left in the school year!!! Thank you so much for attending our Spring Concert on Saturday! It was such a joy to be able to showcase all of our students and their accomplishments this year. Thank you to the parents who volunteered their…
FROM THE DESK OF MS. HAUGEN We have just over 4 weeks left in the school year! It’s SHOW WEEK! We have reached capacity for both showings of our spring concert! If for some reason you were not able to grab a ticket, please email Amy Yeackley, or myself, If you are…
FROM THE DESK OF MS. HAUGEN We have just over 5 weeks left in the school year! TESTING WILL BEGIN THIS WEEK. We will be moving to 1 lunch and some crazy schedules over the next few weeks. I have attached the schedule. Good luck to everyone testing!! Lots of exciting rehearsals, leadership interviews and…
FROM THE DESK OF MS. HAUGEN We have just over 6 weeks left in the school year! Last Friday and Saturday was our final Solo and Ensemble event of the year. Normally, this event happens in February with a state eligibility component in March, but due to Covid-19, we offered a February and April date,…
FROM THE DESK OF MS. HAUGEN We have just over 7 weeks left in the school year! Congratulations to the following students for auditioning and participating in this year’s Big Bend All District Band: Fredrick Smith III, Julie Gamache, Kylie James, Brandon Hance, Harold Lim, Aidan Gonzalez, Rachel Baek, Casey Caukins, McKenna Parker, Christian Magar,…
FROM THE DESK OF MS. HAUGEN We have just over 8 weeks left in the school year! Report cards will be going out this week. A big congratulations to Aaron Gamache, Sarah Spainhour and Megan Kramer for earning a superior rating and Julie Gamache and Kylie James for earning an excellent rating at State Solo…
FROM THE DESK OF MS. HAUGEN A big congratulations to the following students for performing at State Solo and Ensemble and earning a superior rating: Levi Barwick, McKenna Parker, Christian Magar, Casey Caulkins, Maxwell Van Hoeij, Rachel Baek, William Yaakob and Nicholas Voss. Congratulations to Tessa Yeackley for earning a superior with distinction (playing music…